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使用MS-T3001在 nature communications 發(fā)表文章

來源:  華匯儀器   作者:  管理員   時間:  2024-12-26  點擊:   159 次

近日,中國海洋大學信息科學與工程學部物理與光電工程學院張君誠教授團隊使用蘭州華匯自主研發(fā)生產的MS-T3001摩擦磨損試驗儀在國際知名學術期刊Nature Communications(《自然·通訊》)上發(fā)表了題為“Dynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7”(在自激活CaGa4O7中摻入微量Mn2+實現多模式發(fā)光材料的動態(tài)變色發(fā)光)的研究論文引起了業(yè)界的廣泛關注。


Dynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-1.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-2.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-3.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-4.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-5.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-7.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-8.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-9.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-11.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-12.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-13.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-14.jpgDynamic multicolor emissions of multimodal phosphors by Mn2+ trace doping in self-activated CaGa4O7-15.jpg